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Register for Sessions

Helpful Suggestions


  • Arrive a few minutes early to find a comfortable place in the circle.

  • Wear clothing in which you can stretch, relax, and move freely.

  • Bring an extra layer you can don or shed, as needed.

  • If you have a small, hand-held, rhythm instrument, you are welcome to bring it and play along. You may also bring a blanket, towel, or yoga mat.

  • Light, healthy refreshments will be shared at the end of each session. However, you may want to have your own beverage with you to keep your throat happy during the session.

Multiple Session Disounts


One Session             $25

Two Sessions           $45

Three Sessions        $64

Four Sessions          $80

Five Sessions             $95





New session schedule coming soon!

When new sessions are scheduled, they will appear here. In the meantime, take a look below at last fall's sessions at Song & Spirit Institute for Peace.

If you are interested in a particular type of session, please contact Beth Greenapple.

Experience Whole Notes Wellness!

90-minute sessions include: songs and readings, guest presentation, refreshments


You may register for one or more sessions.  The more sessions you register to attend, the bigger your discount.  Sessions are completely independent of each other. The benefit of later sessions is not diminished if you are unable to attend earlier sessions.


Follow these steps to register:


1. Check the dates of the sessions listed below or on the Whole Notes Experience Sessions page.

2. Mark your calendar with the sessions you choose!

3. Phone: 947.282.6896

4. Leave a message including your name, your e-mail address, your phone number (so that I can contact you in case of an emergency cancellation), the name of the series and the dates of the sessions for which you are registering.


When I receive your message, I will generate a payment request through PayPal.  PayPal will

e-mail a confirmation of your payment, and I'll e-mail a confirmation of your registration.


Pre-registration is required to ensure sufficient seating and materials for all participants. Thank you for your cooperation!

ALL Whole Notes Wellness Experiences are open to ALL members of the community.  The designations that follow are intended to inform everyone, not to exclude anyone.

“Interfaith” denotes the use of language and concepts explicitly based on belief in a deity.

“Spiritual” denotes the use of language acknowledging the mysteries of life without reference to deity.

“Secular” denotes the use of language that is humanistic in quality and emphasizing human potential and choice.


Please feel free to bring your open mind to any session or series that interests you.

Claimer: What Whole Notes Wellness IS (and, by implication, IS NOT)

Beth Greenapple and Whole Notes Wellness seek to provide participants with opportunities to reflect, relax, and rejuvenate.  Songs, readings, and guest presentations are intended to offer ideas and insights into how illness and wellness occur, and to introduce participants to modes of enhancing health, and recovering from ill health, whether spiritual, emotional, or physical.  We invite you to explore with us, connect, grow, and discover resources within you and those around you that can lead you to believe in, recognize, and activate your intrinsic wholeness.

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