Whole Notes Wellness Experiences
Whole Notes Wellness Experiences occur in a range of spiritual varieties, from secular—without any reference to deity, to religious—using deity/spirit-centered language. Some are themed or have a particular focus. Unless otherwise noted, all last 90 minutes, and include songs and readings chosen by Beth Greenapple to inspire
self-healing. Some include a guest presenter offering an additional wellness practice.
Booklets containing most songs and readings are provided for your use
during the session.
Go to the Experience Whole Notes! page for dates, locations, and other details, and to register and pay for sessions, or click on the session title in which you are interested. All sessions are independent of each other. It is not necessary to attend early sessions to benefit from later sessions. Choose the ones that fit your schedule! Please contact Beth with any questions.
Growing Through Loss & Grief
Coming soon
No one is immune to the pain of loss and grief. Whether you've lost a job, a loved one, or an ability, you must navigate your way back to wholeness. This series will examine how loss and grief can catalyze personal growth and renewal.
How Do I Pray for Healing?
Coming soon
When disaster, illness, or injury enter our lives, whether our own or that of a family member or friend, it can frighten and bewilder us. We can become angry at G-d or even lose our faith. What is healing? Can prayer really work? This series will explore how we pray and how we effect healing of ourselves and/or others.
Honoring Your Inner Light
Coming soon
Each of us has an inner light, an energy at our core. This series will focus on touching and freeing that source of motivation, creativity, and connection to others.
The Month of Elul: Preparing for the Jewish High Holy Days
Returning Elul 5774 (Aug/Sept 2014)
The Days of Awe are a time to return, to repair, to regenerate our relationship with G-d. The month of Elul—the last month before Rosh Hashanah (the New Year)—is a month of spiritual preparation. This series will encourage us to look inward as we prepare to reconnect to G-d and our community.
ALL Whole Notes Wellness Experiences are open to ALL members of the community. The designations that follow are intended to inform everyone, not to exclude anyone.
“Interfaith” denotes the use of language and concepts explicitly based on belief in a deity.
“Spiritual” denotes the use of language acknowledging the mysteries of life without reference to deity.
“Secular” denotes the use of language that is humanistic in quality and emphasizing human potential and choice.