Sounds of Wellness
Healing Across Faith Traditions
5 May 2013
Beth Greenapple and Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny (Temple Israel) begin a brief healing service at Detroit Interfaith Leadership Council's first event of their 2013 series, Across Faith Traditions. The initial event featured members of Jewish, Hindu, Moslem, and Christian (Episcopal and Church of Christ Science) faiths who shared with an audience of over 200 people how their faith community deals with illness and healing. Is it any surprise that, when all was said and done, the faiths had more in common than they had differences? We are all essentially human.
This video is an excerpt from the beginning of the Jewish segment of the event.
Audible Comfort
The following were recorded sitting in front of a laptop computer (whose fan or CD engine can be heard whirring) with my guitar on a summer evening in Virginia. A dear friend was about to have major surgery for the first time in her life. When I had asked her what I could do for her, she said, "Record some healing songs and readings. That would bring me great comfort." And so I did. Though the recording quality leaves a great deal to be desired, I hope that the intent of the recordings comes through and comforts you too.
Awzi V'Zimrat Yah
text from the tradition
melody by Rabbi Shefa Gold
voice & guitar by Beth Greenapple
None of us...
excerpt from This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared
by Rabbi Alan Lew
read by Beth Greenapple